Monday, August 22, 2011

One Week!

7 days. Woah.

I can't believe I will be flying across the world one week from today. I've been waiting and planning for so long that I've almost felt like leaving would never come, so being able to count on two hands the amount of days left in the good ole U.S of A is somewhat surreal.

I've spent the past couple weeks gathering the last of things needed for my trip and have just a couple minor last minute things to do. However, its sure to be a whirlwind of a week. Lots of goodbyes to give and packing to do.

As the time nears, a lot of people have been asking if I'm getting nervous or if I'm at all scared to travel such an unstable region, and well, I have to say... I'm really not. The idea of doing a cultural 180 should unnerve me, but it really doesn't. I'm excited to take on a new challenge and hope that my trip will only be the start to many more travels to come.

The only thing that does make me a bit nervous, however, is the shock of it all. By that I mean, the shock that I will actually be there. Like I said before, I feel like I've been planning and waiting forever and while I know I leave in 7 days, it still hasn't hit me. It probably doesn't help that I'm currently writing this blog on a porch overlooking the ocean in Florida, which isn't exactly helpful in trying to mentally prepare for living in a completely different culture. Oh well. I'd like to at least think the tan I've been working on will help me blend in better? (Cue Yeah, you're right, probably not. My reddish color isn't exactly native. Although, I am 1/16th Native American, so there's hope.

Anyways, I may be leaving in 7 days but I still have a 5 year old named John to attend to, and right now pirates are his thing and I'm being beckoned to play Pirates of the Caribbean.

A Middle East traveling, Arabic speaking, blonde sorority girl, who spends the better part of her time playing pirates and dinosaurs with a 5 year old..... now there's a first.

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